e-Smart Seed Gardening with Google Play Store Android Apps

Android has a huge variety of apps for Smart Gardening on the Google Play Store. For my needs, currently, I was able to find some apps for free, one of which particularly suited my needs - charting seeds being planted in to cells of columns and rows - a 72-cell seed planting tray. I tried out My Seed Trays first, which is a good program in and of itself, although it uses date-time differentiation of planting, rather than allow me to name the individual cells, which is what I was attempting to achieve. Garden Organizer: Manager & Planner ended up being the one I used for this planting project. Garden Organizer: Manager & Planner has a shape-and-grid-based planting and naming functionality about it, suitable, in my case, for plotting out the columns and rows of my planting tray, without having to write out with pen or marker - the names of the seeds, how many rows I was able to fill, etc. Garden Organizer: Manager & Planner: The app allows me ...