
Showing posts with the label development

The new mysterious new sparrow-finch-like bird at Maguire Gardens at the Los Angeles Public Library Central Branch (from Twitter)

There's a new visitor to Maguire Gardens, one of my favorite places, lately, to feed the birds in downtown Los Angeles (some of the regular flock there has been getting scared away, by a pigeon-hawk [there's a family of pigeon-hawks that frequent the blocks adjacent to Grand and Hill, from the Library, down to Temple Street, or so]).  It's a yellow-crested, yellow-faced sparrow lookalike, practically, although I also hear that it could be part finch, which could make sense, on account of the species'' similar sizes and body types. Another theory is that the special nutritional supplementation that I'd been giving the birds of the area, here and there, of ionic, humic, and fulvic minerals, could have spurred a genetic ingenue nuclear watershed evolution from one of the young, of the breeding flocks of birds in the area. It's quite mysterious, in a sense, yet this bird was definitely destined to be a star, with it's bright yellow crest and facial features....

How to order heirloom organic cigar wrapper leaf Nicotiana Tabacum seeds from

Earlier, last year, (on my other blog, I detailed my interests in procuring and rendering a fine cigar tobacco. I'd searched through several different keyword combinations on Google, and I came across some good varietals, presumably under « heirloom organic nicotiana cigar wrapper leaf » as the search term.  One of the sites that I made it a point to bookmark was at Given the exciting varietal description of the plant, I'm super excited to purchase a field « or lot » full of seeds-potentially - to grow in to what sounds like great quality cigar leaf tobacco, of which there are several types. The link is possibly a bit difficult to locate if you were to navigate the site through the home page. I may have publicised the site and link on my personal social media, but I want to share with the wider public of Google's audience the link, with which: there's a great 50% of...

New .shop product for older Android phones - Metrical Scaling Calibration and Tuning of the Camera ~ 1:10

Similar view that I had used to see from my high end iOS devices.

A water-time-managemnent theoretically plausible context in research for efficiency and ingenuity in Material Design - smart fabrics as environmental-inductive attractant devices.

As I was out last night collecting cans, bottles, and plastics for redemption,  I came across many discarded items of clothing.  Given that they were going to be soaking wet, regardless, I decided that I could do well to pick them up and work on getting them somewhere, for some better purpose than laying out in the rain.  I came upon the notion that my recyclables bag was collecting weight over time, as I was walking about; wearing many layers of clothing, while collecting recyclables.  It seemed like some sort of Civic agreement to leave out clothing on this day.  Thanks, people!  The larger scope of the context was the weight-gaining of the energetic device of the bag of recyclables.  The bag was pitched over my shoulder, it was constantly being placed on the ground, the contents were constantly changing, it was lifeless while I was a nearby radiant heat source. It took several stops, significantly, to empty out the clothing a...