
Showing posts with the label baby pigeons

Family pigeons

I commonly forget about the pigeons of Union Station. The pigeons at Union Station today got some French Toast to dine on. These pigeons got kicked to the side because of an angry man. Today I had the luxury of travel and time, and I'm headed to Pasadena to check out the Apple Store and Target. I want to break some ground on tasks I've been lagging behind on, such as my logo, some sketches, etc. I'd like to get these things on paper and on digital, using the Apple Pen.  The pigeons, after their meal. The pigeons of this spot make it a ritual to socialize and peck around after a meal. The pigeons gather here because of the crowds and the shelter nearby; as it's suited with pigeon spikes for breeding pairs. Baby pigeons! On top of the light. This Metro stop is a perennial favorite for breeding pairs to raise young.