
Showing posts with the label Nicotiana

Starting heirloom Nicotiana tabacum seeds indoors.I,

A simple topic, yet since it's a step on my way to establishing seedlings and a community garden here in South Los Angeles (which, by the way, I was cleared for staying here by the Los Angeles City Housing Authority for another year), where I plan to establish a small community farming initiative at what seems to be an abandoned gardening lot. The preparation and planting itself takes about half an hour. I started the small pots off with some earthworm castings from Armstrong Gardening Center. It's a high-end potting soil made completely from earthworm castings, kelp, and rock dust.  In addition, I added some previously-prepared ionic-trace-mineralized peat moss, which had been sitting out for about a week, and had, by now, started to become a much more humus-type rich soil in composition. Note the comparison between the bottom earthworm casting mixture and the top layer of peat moss that I added to the small pot. I had estimated, since peat moss is reputedly aci...

The Nicotiana seedlings are coming along nicely, in sprouting.

I'm glad to see that patience has paid off in seeing my Nicotiana seeds from finally sprout, during the cold season.  I potted the seeds in earthworm castings entirely (no dirt) from Armstrong's . The potting picture was kept fairly moist soggy, and not allowed to dry out at all, under the plastic cover. The long columns signify different varietals, one to a column, as you'll see that some of the cells have not sprouted, to a significant degree. Thankfully, I purchased 6-7 different varietals of heirloom Nicotiana cigar and cigarette tobacco seeds, (check out the website at the top - there's still time to plant Nicotiana in Southern California, and in cold climates, an even longer period of time to get them started and hardened, out in the cold. The days have been warm, mostly, (in the high 60's and 70's, and the night have been dire chill - jogging-comfortably weather, in the mid-to-lower 40's, with some days of rain). I can't w...