
Showing posts from May, 2019

PidginMilk, a rich open-toned harmonic malted milk for rejuvenation.

PidginMilk is a rich , flavorful tonal milkshake sweetened custard  serum for mid-season spring chickens of pigeons and full-roster flock alike.  Today, I'm fleshing out some of the bony rudder pigeons in getting their salts and thirst up with the heat and humidity being as it's been. Today is a perfect Memorial Day's Saturday. Ingredients: 5 tbsp. Malted Milk 27.5 fl. oz. Whole Milk PidginCheese (recipe to come) A few squirts Mayonnaise Instructions Shake, mix with bread for pigeons.

A beautiful photographic rendition of botanical art.

A red onion sprightly sparrow amongst shored Russet potatoes. 

How to order heirloom organic cigar wrapper leaf Nicotiana Tabacum seeds from

Earlier, last year, (on my other blog, I detailed my interests in procuring and rendering a fine cigar tobacco. I'd searched through several different keyword combinations on Google, and I came across some good varietals, presumably under « heirloom organic nicotiana cigar wrapper leaf » as the search term.  One of the sites that I made it a point to bookmark was at Given the exciting varietal description of the plant, I'm super excited to purchase a field « or lot » full of seeds-potentially - to grow in to what sounds like great quality cigar leaf tobacco, of which there are several types. The link is possibly a bit difficult to locate if you were to navigate the site through the home page. I may have publicised the site and link on my personal social media, but I want to share with the wider public of Google's audience the link, with which: there's a great 50% of...

From an former blog post - the Nicotiana tabacum cigar-cured leaf in its finery - a scented fluorescence is produced.